Tantrie Soetjipto

Founder and Director

Tantrie has more than 30 years of multiple experience in financial and nonfinancial industries that benefit her ability to be one of the leader in her space. Currently she is serving by appointment as Commissioner in Panin Dubai Syariah Bank.

Her passion in developing awareness of inclusion gender equality for the past 6 years bringing her to get involved in WPC (WomenPreneurCommunity) as Co-founder. Her role is to educate, nurture and directly involves women empowerment in business community all over Indonesia. To date, it has over 15,000 SMEs that is led by women who are homemaker and entrepreneur. This empowerment concept has been widely promoted by government and private sectors but only few succeed to deliver the networking and channeling among the women to synergize creating business opportunity both Domestic and global market.

Along with her passion in sustainable living concept and her past work, she also joined the parent company of well known Javara Organic brand, PT Kampung Kearifan Indonesia as partner. Her role is to formulate the marketing strategy of Javara Organic to penetrate domestic and international market to be more focused and efficiently managed.

With her tenure in various industry she becomes point of reference to connect the dot between financial and nonfinancial hub. This is crucial to both side to understand the business model that is viable to the industry.

Some of her credentials are:

As a speaker in various domestic and international seminars:

SheTrades Global/International Trade Center – Liverpool, UK (June 2018) – The Role of Women in the SME Business;

UNHCR General Assembly, Geneva, 2018 – Human Right in International Supply Chain;

UNFCC-CO 26, Madrid 2019 – Business Incubation on Building Climate Resilience in Communities;Mentor of women in SME space that is crucial in developing concept of business to community that mainly house maker and has the strong potential to create business opportunity.

Our Team

Great Team in Roemah Indonesia

Suryo Tutuko

Founder and President Director

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Rina R. Maksum

Founder and Director

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Dindin Mediana

Founder and Director

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